The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and the Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis unmasked the National Information Strategy for grub and Nutrition Security
By Abdul Rahman Bangura–

Photo Credit: KIPPRA Kenya
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- On April 19, 2021, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and the Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis on April 19th, 2021 inaugurate the National Information Platform for Food and Nutrition (NIPFN). NIPFN is a global ambition of the European Commission, funded by the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Precisely, the strategy centralizes information from numerous organizations that have a consequence on nutrition developments. One of the key principles it reacts to is dearth of a reconciled platform for nutrition-related information. Bit many establishments and generate and use nutrition-related information, there is a rift as information is not mainstreamed. The platform strives to address this gap by expanding a depository that
strengthens nutrition-related data and further employs it to improve evidence-informed outcomes and programs.
NIPFN intends for to build the capability of key actors and institutions by establishing a platform that brings together pertinent information; Bolstering the capacity of people within related companies to tail improvement in meeting nutrition related obligations; Assembling the power of policymakers and programme planners to wield the fact for rendering conclusions.
The endeavor accordingly concentrates on both people and products. Products in this case pertains to reports, statistical summaries, policy briefs, a depot of data and a web portal with information, while people infers to the generators and stoners of data and stakeholders in the principal establishments (KIPPRA and KNBS) and in other
administration organizations that generate and utilize nutrition data.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
Thank you for the report. Platform for Food and Nutrition is priceless good policy, Kenya. Roka in Luanda KENYA
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Beautiful report, Journalist Bangura. Ali in Cairo, Egypt
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Food security and safe food the best way to go. Thanks for the report. London, England. Kim
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