Niger’s Executive Director for National Cereals Research Center exhorted Rice Agriculturalist to Cultivate Sizeable Lands
By Abdul Rahman Bangura-

Rice production by Women of the Diguifa Group
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NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- Dr. Umaru Aliyu announced in a conference on Wednesday, December 28th, 2022 in Badeggi in Niger; that planters should refrain from acquiring vast areas of land or multiple farms that they could not adequately retain.
He said: “This is imperative due to the high costs of inputs associated with farming, especially those of rice.
“The farmers should therefore cultivate the number of areas that they will be able to sufficiently tend to.
“There is no point for any farmer or a group of farmers to engage in expansive farm cultivation.
“This is more when they know that they can’t sufficiently apply the required inputs.”
Dr. Aliyu said that in rice production, earnings were always bigger in smaller lands that got the crucial awareness.
“You will get more yields per unit area in a sizeable area. You can’t get that with scattered farms that do not get the required inputs,” he told.
He equally notified the growers to routinely pursue the advice of extension agents in all their farming activities.
He announced that such intakes encompassed enhanced seeds and fertilizers, saying, ” they should not buy them from the open markets.
“The farmers should buy pure seeds and not just grains that have no value or any worth.
“They should also buy the right brands of fertilizers that will boost their yields.”
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
Thank you for covering our Country Niger. Agriculture is key to our development. Happy to see farming taking off in the country. Amadia in Niamey, Niger
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Governments in Africa, should invest in seeds and fertilizers, free of charge to our farmers that are doing the hard job. Pierre in Libreville GABON
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Sole and business farming is happening all over Africa. Our governments should do more for our farmers. Aden in Rabat, Morocco
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Thank you for the news. I did also voted for new Africa business news, Person of the year and Africa President/ Prime Minister of my pick. Carlos in Beira Mozambique
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Bangura my favorite Journalist. You and your teams did great job covering whole of Africa. Africa is all we have. Let’s make it the greatest. Semira in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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