A Traditional Chief (40) Sentenced for 20 Years for Ravishing a 13-Year-Old Minor the Lilongwe Magistrate’s Court disclosed
By Abdul Rahman Bangura-

Malawi Party Campaign
Photo Credit: EWN
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- Prosecutor – Richard Kandeya told the court that the chief committed the offence on June 27, 2023. He continued that; the man defiled the girl in a garden where she was sent to source pumpkin leaves for relish.
“When well-wishers came to rescue the girl, the village head was furious and he threatened to deal with them for disturbing him,” Kandeya noted.
The chief pleaded not guilty in court, but the State gave witnesses to prove its case. Apparently, in mitigation, the traditional leader prayed for leniency, saying he is a first-time offender and a breadwinner for his family.
Thus, in his submission, Kandeya questioned the court to give the man a 21- year custodial sentence, taking into cognizance, the seriousness of the offence. The chief also remarked, that being a village head, the convict was supposed to protect the girl.
Senior Resident Magistrate – Wanangwa Nyirenda consented in his ruling with the State, saying the convict was old enough to know the aftermaths of defilement. In effect therefore, he sentenced the convict to 20 years imprisonment.
The mobile court allowed pupils and other community members to ask questions on sexual-related crimes and their outcomes. World Vision Malawi facilitated the mobile court to allow people know what happens during court trial.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent