Burkina Faso liftoffs the commencement of its Foremost Satellite’s Innovation Realization – Burkinasat -1 in a bid to Establish Technological Innovation Opportunities
By Abdul Rahman Bangura-

Photo Credit: yesofcorsa.com
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- Burkina Faso has stood for a considerable measure of innovation and the culmination of its enterprising purposes with the birth of its first satellite, BurkinaSat-1. This Earth observation
nanosatellite is established to remake the lives of the nation’s citizens by proposing unique choices for technological improvement and connectivity.
The BurkinaSat-1 project, ushered by Professor Frédéric Ouattara, a celebrated space scientist and President of Norbert-Zongo University, points out a landmark in the country’s journey towards evolving into a space-faring nation. The satellite will be constructed locally at Norbert-Zongo University, employing both in-country resources and expertise from the Burkinabè diaspora.
President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré proclaimed the start of the construction phase, following the successful completion of the ground station, the project’s first phase.
The administration of Burkina Faso has reserved 110 million FCFA (approximately $200,000) to fund the procurement of satellite components, with future phases, including the satellite’s launch and operationalization, anticipated to instruct a further 350-400 million FCFA (approximately $640,000 to 740,000). President Kaboré articulated optimism about the satellite’s potential in remote sensing,
disaster prevention, and research and development.
Professor Ouattara, who secured the government’s commitment to the project in 2019, underscored the strategic extent of BurkinaSat-1 for the nation’s food security, disaster management, and across the-board scientific advancement. The project has gained robust approval from the Burkinabè government and the scientific community, with Professor Ouattara’s team being strengthened by experts from the country’s Energy and Meteorology Research Laboratory (LAREME) and experienced professionals from the diaspora.
Burkina Faso’s minister in charge of scientific research, Prof. Alkassoum Maïga, accentuated the project’s significance, stating, “Burkina is proud of what has been done. If there is one project that needs to be moved forward, it is this one. It is of strategic interest; if only for our food security, to prevent disasters and certain diseases. We bet on the right horse.”
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent