Kenya schedules to making twice as much Milk Production to 10 Billion Liters per year
By Abdul Rahman Bangura-

Kenya President William Ruto
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NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- President Ruto’s Administration has inaugurated a camel milk refining line as component of a broader proposal to boost milk production and transform existences of population. Milk is one of the biggest influencers of income in Kenya, generating at least Sh200 billion a year.
President William Ruto let out at the blastoff of KCC Kiganji plant, milk production will be creased from 5.2 billion liters to 10 billion liters a year in the next five years by way to enhance chances for agriculturalist. He clarified that the Administration will refurbish Kenya Cooperative Creameries plants and induct milk coolers countrywide so that more milk can be refined.
“We want to fetch more from value-added milk. Our farmers are not thriving because they have been selling raw milk,” he told.
He announced the Kenya has enough capacities to establish powder and long-life milk to assure the abundance milk does not go to ruin.
The President remarked that growers will be at the center and front of the new proposal to provide the sector a new lease of life.
“We will also rid the market of brokers so that farmers can earn maximum returns from their milk.”
Other interventions summarized by President Ruto encompass the reduction of taxes on animal feed imports — including yellow maize — and the reduction of the cost of semen.
He said subsidized fertilizer will be instrumental in boosting the production of animal feeds. President Ruto moreover authorized KCC to minimize costs shouldered by the planters to heighten their revenues.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent