Ecobank Transnational Incorporated Chief Executive Officer asserted…the PanAfrican Group is fostering expenditures across Africa since the enactment of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement open
By Abdul Rahman Bangura–

Photo Credit: Togo First
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- THE Group Chief Executive Officer, Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI), Ade Ayeyemi, has affirmed that the Pan-African banking group is facilitating payments across Africa as countries start the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA).
Ade Ayeyemi – Chief Executive Officer of Ecobank Transitional Incorporated (ETI) noted in an talk with journalists, brought up that, Ecobank has been competent to influence global compensations across the 33 countries where it regulates on the landmass of Africa through its Rapid Transfer program.
Ayeyemi regurgitated that, the bank’s policy could be weighed to acclimate other African countries under the AfCFTA founded on their statutes. Ecobank Group Chief, furthered; the banking group is one of the major backers of the AfCFTA, which he acknowledges will be of enormous advantage to the African mainland and clients of the bank.
He noted: “With this Pan-African exposure, the governments and our customers will reevaluate their businesses to efficiently take charge of bigger opportunities.
“So, if you manufacture goods in Aba for the Nigerian market, you can now start thinking of how to expand your manufacturing capacity to export across West Africa and also other African countries, not just looking at Nigeria as a market alone.
“And as you change your demand forecast, you need to improve your capacity to produce and that will mean importing new machinery to expand your manufacturing base, develop bigger market and hire more people.” Ade Ayeyemi noted.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
Thanks for the report. Ecobank is a great bank and one of best banks in Africa. Lagos Nigeria. Aba
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Ecobank and many African international banks, African own are taking the African free trade opportunity, that just started in our great Continent. Thank you for covering this. Nairobi Kenya. Duni
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Congratulations, Journalist Bangura for winning, the Africa Journalist of the year award. Enjoy! Windhoek Namibia. Maria
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