Uganda’s Archbishop Baptist Odama autographed the pact of partnership with Bukona Processors Limited to Industrialize the growth and Production of Cassava in Northern Uganda
By Abdul Rahman Bangura–

Photo Credit: Pinterest
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- The Archbishop, John Baptist Odama signed the deal on behalf of the Gulu Archdiocese while Pravin Kekhal, represented the Nwoya based Bukona factory at Cathedral Church in Bardege-Layibi division in Gulu City. According to the agreement, Gulu Archdiocese will develop and provide with cassava to Bukona factory for the creation of green fuel and ethanol. His Grace John Baptist Odama – the Archbishop of Gulu, mumbles that the coalition is a combined enterprise between the church, state and private partners to promote financial adaptation and monetary stamina among planters in war-torn
Northern Uganda.
He published that Gulu Archdiocese should provide tons of cassava to the factory through more than 6,900 agriculturist under the Acholibur parish Project in Gulu, Lamwo, Pader, Omoro and Nwoya regions. The Archbishop illustrated that much as cassava is portended to ensure families are food secure, it is similarly crucial to wield it
to heighten livelihoods, create wealth, bring prospect among dwellers and also remodel lives into a middle-income stature in streak with the Uganda`s vision 2020-2040.
Father Mathew Okun Lagoro, the Acholibur Parish Project Chairperson, explains the treaty pursues to strengthen importance to cassava production through commercialization. He argues that the cooperation will also capitalize ready market for people affected in large scale cassava production across the Northern Uganda region and improve the livelihood of farmers.
The Executive Director Bukona Processors Limited – Pravin Kekhal explained that the factory would be purchasing a Kilogram of dry cassava flakes from the farmers under the project at Shillings 500. He divulged that the factory needs at least 100,000 kilograms of cassava to elicit ethanol daily, which brings about the friendship worthy.
Commissioned in 2019 in Lapem Village, Koch Goma Sub County in Nwoya state, Bukona Factory was originally suggested to generate 30,000 liters of methanol each day. Nevertheless, the firm changed direction its notoriety to delivering green fuel for smart stoves on grounds that, it is environmentally receptive and would recoup forests
from deficiency for firewood and charcoal.
Pronouncing during the blastoff, Hannington Ogwang from the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) explained, the enterprise is relatively stunning, letting out that they will assist the agriculturist under the project with 74,000 bags of cassava cuttings to improve their production.
Teddy Esther Acayo, who bosses growers under the Acholibur Parish Project in Pader region, explains that they are inclined to generate the amount of cassava expected by Bukona Factory.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
Thank you for the report. Big scale Cassava farming is increasing rapidly in Africa. Roka in Luanda ANGOLA
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Love the daily newsletters. Great reports. Guinea Bissau. Pel
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Thank you for covering this story. Love your reports. Peter in Kampala, Uganda
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Our youths are greatly involving in big time commercial farming. Louis in Nairobi Kenya
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