The Director of GAINDE 2000 who’s doubling as the President of the African Performance Institute Retains that E-Commerce could be utilized as a Scheme to Bolster Intra-African Trade
By Abdul Rahman Bangura–
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone– Ibrahima Nour Eddine Diagne, Director of GAINDE 2000 and President of the African Performance Institute – has proposed that e-commerce could be wielded as a control to improve intra-African trade. He noted in the Dakar Forum on the African Continental Free Trade Area (FTACAF).
An announcement by his office referred to Diagne as developing the theme ECommerce, which alternatives to expand intra-African trade, emphasizing the desire to provide special notoriety to excellence innovation in electronic business transactions in the context of the culmination of the Continental Free Trade Area (FTACAF). He differed weak e-commerce, which produces many transactions but very small value-added, with strong e-commerce that facilitates wealth and job creation. He is of the belief that, the enactment of this pact, illustrates an alternative to create a strong market eligible of giving growth opportunities to African institutions. Diagne strengthened that, electronic commerce is a sector that grows up according to technology and it will be increasingly tough for a company or a nation to retain and boost its wealth, if it does not have a very strong technological capacity. He said, the challenge is suggested for both African administrations and private sectors.
“The challenge is huge and the lost time in digital is often not made up. The Zlecaf itself must be in its construction, a lever that allows African states and companies to plunge fully into the digital age,” GAINDE 2000’s MD said.
This will first be based on the operationalization of fully dematerialized rules of origin and regulations that favor electronic transactions he stated. “The real battle is to develop skills and foster the emergence of African platform and data giants,” Diagne noted. Diagne was speaking at the Dakar forum committed to the FTACAF which is fraction of a sequel of conferences in the sub-region inaugurated by the International Trade Centre (ICC) in alliance with the Ministry of Trade and SMEs.
The goal is to put forward private sector understanding of the advantages of the prospective single market. Ms. Dorothy Tembo, Assistant Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC) – Dorothy Tembo, has requested for a binding energy of efforts by administrations of the African mainland to attain free zone which, according to her bids a “formidable” alternative to the African private sector, small and medium-sized businesses that could pass a bigger market.
Aissatou Diallo, Chief Administrator for West Africa and the Indian Ocean of the International Trade Centre and Coordinator of the FTACAF – Aissatou Diallo announced, the conference is a facet of a continuation of awareness-raising and information conferences with the population and private sector actors in particular, in order to establish them familiar of the doors offered by the FTACAF.
According to her, the FTACAF will only have an opportunity of achievement, if African small and medium-sized enterprises are prepared to make the most of the new circumstances and facilities that the FTACAF puts in place to facilitate their access to more available and lucrative trade options.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
Thank you for the report. With the free trade within our Continent coming E Commerce is going to be thing. Paul in Nairobi, Kenya
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Thank you for newsletters. Love it. Manchester in England. Helen
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E commerce is going to be a great business opportunity for our people. Accra Ghana. Koku
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African Continental Free Trade Area and E commerce is an African call. Great policy and great investment. Cape town South Africa. Nina
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Follower of your online newspaper on Facebook and thank you for the reports. Eric in Werda, Botswana
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