African Development Bank endorses outcomes for Large Scale Mini-Grid Market Development in Angola
By Abdul Rahman Bangura–
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone– The appraisal was administered with the technical assistance of Carbon Trust, in alliance with the Government of Angola, and in talks with key stakeholders such as development partners and private sector proxies. The report evaluates key enabling components expected for large scale mini-grid development, as well as the general, capacitates the mini-grid market in Angola, in alignment with the nation’s energy sector development strategy.
The document rates that 9.9 million people, exemplifying 32% of Angola’s total population, and 47% of the non-electrified population, could be best satisfied by mini-grid solutions. It also accentuated the regulatory chasms that subsist in the mini-grid market, entailing inadequate inducements for private sector participation. Across-the-board, the assessment proposes that, dealing with the rifts could keep ajar an approximate need for approximately $252.5 million in Angola, based o the regular annual electricity expenditure per capita, in rural areas.
The webinar held on July 23rd, of 2020, gave a forum for over 100 participants to communicate alternatives and challenges pertaining to the growth of green mini-grids in Angola, as well as enhanced coordination and partnerships towards the evolution of sustainable growth of clean energy in the Southern African nation.
Among participants were diplomats of the government, from the Ministry of Energy and Water, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment, and the Ministry of Economy and Planning. Development partners, private sector actors, and national and regional associations in the sector also took part.
In his opening remarks, the African Development Bank Country Manager for Angola, Joseph Ribeiro, remarked that, the energy sector plays a vital role in national efforts towards poverty rebate and sustainable socio-economic development, as per the country’s economic diversification agenda. Angola’s National Director for Rural Electrification in the Water and Energy Ministry, Serafim Silveira, emphasized the significance of mini-grids to ,the government’s rural electrification goals. The additional lecturers were Executive Director of the Lusophone Renewable Energy Association, Isabel Abreu, and the representative of the Establishment Committee of the Angolan Renewable Energies Association, Pedro Torres.
The Bank’s Division Manager for Renewable Energy, João Cunha, confessed the report will notify the layout of technical aid by the Bank to the Angolan administration in rehearsal for the rollout of a mini-grid scale-up program.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
Energy sectors always plays a vital role in transforming economics for good. Thank you for the report. Samuel in Abuja Nigeria
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In Angola, our government is investing lot of money in the energy sector. Luanda Angola. Rosine
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Our Leadership is doing all what he can do with the government to adequately create and supply the energy we need in our Country. Lara in Benguela Angola
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African Development Bank has being and working with all countries in the Continent to adequately address the need of energy. Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Hermela
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Our government is happy to work with African Development Bank to address energy need. Thank you for reporting to this issue. Nattat in Sumbe, Angola
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Lovely and thank you for signing me to new Africa business news, newsletter. Lisbon Portugal. Adam
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Africa we have abundance of renewable energy, let’s make the best use of it and generate most of our energy need from it. Great report. Time for our governments and people to decide for our destiny. Belay in Johannesburg South Africa.
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To my own opinion, I think any of the 54 leaders in our continent that are not producing productive results for our people and continent, should get out of the way. Yaoundé, Cameroon. Francoise
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Am a fan of your great online newspaper and also following the newspaper on face book. Thank you very much for reporting and posting it on face book. Carmen in Paris France.
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