Mali and Real Participants Venture to Developing Renewable Sectors at the Opening of 3rd Renewable Energies
By Abdul Rahman Bangura-

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NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- Abdoul Kassim Fomba , Mali’s Minister of Young People and Sports, Civic Education and Citizenship – in the name of the Prime Minister of Mali, Choguel Kokalla Maïga – the opened the 3rd Renewable Energies Week. He refreshed the effort made by the authorities and key sector players to advance the growth of renewable energies in the nation, situated in the Sahel region of West Africa.
This all important is all important event, is adherence on the functions of renewable energies in sustainable development in Mali… “Promoting opportunities in the renewable energies sector in Mali: Mali’s investment plan for the Renewable Energies Integration
Programme of the Climate Investment Fund.”. It gears to liftoff and rollout of the Renewable Energies Integration Programme investment plan subsidized by the Climate Investment Fund as part of the African Development Bank’s Desert to Power initiative.
This agenda is purposefully to expedite the transition to a cleaner, more diverse energy mix, while bolstering Mali’s energy resilience.
Some 50 exhibitors are presenting opportunities available in Mali for renewable energy, so that people can explore the advances in the sector.
The Malian Minister of Energy and Water, Bintou Camara, heaped praises “a captivating exploration that highlights advances and opportunities in the field of renewable energies” in Mali. This is same, a relief to share good practices and innovative concepts to advance the
adoption and integration of renewable energies in all sectors of the Malian economy.
Adalbert Nshimyumuremyi, Head of the African Development Bank’s country office in Mali, asserted the Bank’s support for developing renewable energies in Mali.
“By supporting the integration study and implementation of the investment plan, the African Development Bank Group is reiterating its firm commitment to supporting Mali’s energy transition, to achieve its access to energy targets.”
Renewable Energies Week will help heighten alliances between real-participants, investors, and civil society. On day 1 of the event, participants learned about the culmination of the study to integrate solar power into Mali’s electricity system, that directs to adding solar
production capacity by 1,400 megawatts by 2035. This would mean investing some EUR 1.14 billion into the production system.
“Mali remains a flagship country for the ‘Desert to Power’ initiative, which is gradually being put in place in practical terms and will have a positive impact on the population. Permanent access to a high-quality electricity supply at an affordable cost will strengthen the resilience
of the populations in the beneficiary areas,” remarked Franklin Gbedey – the Bank’s Head of Renewable Energies.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent