Kenya via the Ministry of Agriculture endorsed an agreement with the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a Transnational Research Body to upgrade Food Production
By Abdul Rahman Bangura-

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NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone– Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi – Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture announced under the pact, Kenyan and CGIAR experimenters will observe existing and prospective research desired to facilitate grub security.
“The researchers will explore how research can effectively provide timely information to policymakers- and decision-makers with the aim of solving food Linturi told during a food systems conference taking place in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi.
He expanded that, the cooperation will boost by improving the interface between science and policy since Kenya and one of the CGIAR initiatives on National Policies and Strategies (NPS) will provide policy- and decision-makers with state-of-the-art guide to solving, Kenya faces eats and nutritional security struggles mainly due to waning productivity of agrarian land, high costs of agricultural inputs, and substantial postharvest losses.
He explained ineffective access to financial and insurance services and low youth participation in farming are also some of the major dilemmas undermining food production in the nation.
The Kenyan official remarked that the coalition with the CGIAR is geared at dealing with the challenges through Kenya’s bottom-up economic modification proposal that prioritizes agriculture as a key girder for development.
Linturi noted that the government recognizes that agriculture and micro, small and medium enterprises are key to the country’s economic recovery, and is committed to increasing investments in these sectors.
Appolinaire Djikeng, CGIAR Senior Director of Livestock-Based Systems and Director General of Nairobi-based International Livestock Research Institute, said proceeded investments must be made in farming research and development and technological innovations to pave the way for innovations and policies that are established on valid indication.
He announced the CGIAR will effect areas aligned with Kenya’s private citizens and the UN Sustainable Development Goal affecting rise to innovation priorities of the end users, including growers.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent