Angola Rejoices 19 Years of Peace and the Stop of Armed Catastrophes
By Abdul Rahman Bangura–

Photo Credit: Ver Angola
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone–On Sunday April 04th, 2021 Angola commemorated 19 years of peace and the verge of long-armed disputes. On April 4 2002, the Angolan administration and the main opposition party – UNITA settle an end to 27 years of war, with the signing of the peace and national reconciliation consensuses.
A national public holiday adored across the Angola. The 2021 major event took place in Cabinda province
and was steered by the Vice President of the Republic of Angola – Bornito de Sousa.
He addressed the Angolan population: “After the National Independence on November 11, 1975, peace is certainly the greatest achievement of the Angolan people. After long years of destruction of lives and economic and social infrastructure and the diversion of thousands of young people from promoting the construction and development of Angola, to the day the Angolans value more than anyone the benefits of peace and political and social stability”.
In Luanda, various figures related to the central administration and diplomatic corps obeyed the raising of the flag and the laying of a wreath at the Monumento do Soldado Desconhecido — located on the waterfront in the capital city.
The signing of the peace treaty on April 04th, 2002 was gone in advance by negotiations; comprising the Bicesse pact signed in Portugal, on May 31st, 1991, and the Lusaka Protocol autographed on November 20th, 1994.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
Angola is a great place to live and invest. Lot of great opportunities. Roka in Luanda Angola
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Beautiful Country and People. Love Angola. Cape town in South Africa. Kim
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Angola and all countries in Africa are very nice. Thank you for the report. Lilongwe, Malawi. Chika
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Like to thank you for the newsletters. Thomas in Manchester, England
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