Angola approved with 148 votes the Amendment African Court of Justice Protocol
By Abdul Rahman Bangura-

Photo Credit: Jones Day
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone– The Amendments to the Protocol is about the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights.
This was approved with 148 votes in authorization, no vote against, and no abstentions, during the 8th Extraordinary Plenary Meeting of the 1st Session of the 5th Legislature.
With the guarantee of this instrument, the Republic of Angola is amongst the important branch states of the African Union (AU) to approve this international legal instrument.
Angola, therefore, declares openly its participation in the arms of the African Union, mainly in the procedure of inaugurating this Court.
Meanwhile, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, and Tanzania have similarly upheld the Protocol.
The Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights was accepted by the 20th Session of the AU Assembly held on June 27, 2014, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
It Is portion of the objectives and principles set out in the Constitutive Act of the African Union adopted in Lomé, Togo, on July 11, 2000, among which there is the commitment to settle disputes through peaceful means.
Angola’s report asserts that by ratifying this legal instrument Angola “will benefit from a reasonable organization of the Court for the buildup of peace, good governance, respect for human rights and democratic principles”.
The Protocol aims to adopt a better organization of the Court, with sufficient jurisdiction to considerably define the International Criminal Law Section of the Court, comprising in its international criminal jurisdiction in crimes of genocide, against humanity, war crimes, anti-constitutional change of government, piracy, terrorism, corruption, money laundering, and trafficking of human beings, among others.
The secretary of State for Administration, Finance, and Patrimony of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Auxiliadora Ramiro, said before the Plenary that the ratification of the Protocol is helpful since it fulfills the objectives accepted by the country at the international level, related to national reconciliation, restoration of peace, security, and reconstruction of cohesion in Africa.
Maria Ramiro added that in terms of conflict mediation, the Protocol contributes to the solidification of the culture of peace in Africa.
Nvunda Salucombo, ruling MPLA MP, said that by adhering to the Protocol, Angola has an opportunity to include its senior and intermediate staff in the African Court of Human Rights.
Nuno Álvaro Dala, MP of the opposition UNITA party, said voted in favour of the draft Resolution due to the fact that Angola joining this legal instrument “constitutes, without a doubt, the material affirmation as a State committed to security, peace, constitutional stability, justice and human rights”.
The MPs similarly voted unbiasly on the Draft Resolution approving the Declaration on the integration of Angola to the Single Market for Air Transport in Africa.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent