$350 to be subsidized monthly to 500 University Graduates in Liberia autographed by a Memorandum of Understanding by the Administration of Liberia through the Ministry of Labor and the Liberia Chamber of Commerce
By Abdul Rahman Bangura–

Photo Credit: Stock Free
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS (NABN) Freetown, Sierra Leone- According to a press furlough, the occasion held at the headquarters of the LCC was accompanied by members of the Cabinet, the Ambassadors of the United States of America and Lebanon as well as the President and Executives of the LCC.
Under the MOU, the jobs will be given in three to four months by businesses and concessions in the country. Talking during the ceremony, Labor Minister Cllr. Charles H. Gibson bulged that within the next sixty days, his Ministry and members will rollout 1000 new jobs has also pledged to assure that Liberians seized senior management positions in acquiescence across the nation.
Furthermore, speaking during the ceremony, the President of Liberia Chamber Commerce (LCC), Cllr. N. Oswald Tweh told that it all started in February last year when the Chamber received roll out from the Minister of Labor asking it to communicate topics comparative to guaranteeing that trained Liberians are giving tendency for opportunities and to strategize on ways and means on how businesses and employers can take in some new and past university graduates in the employment sector.
“From this meeting, an idea of a special employment scheme took out. To aid in carrying out our objective, we solicited the assistance of the Association of Liberia Human Resource Professionals. A concept note was developed, policy, procedures, and guidelines that will guide the process were formulated.
During the course of the implementation of this MoU, data will be collected and records, and performance of this MoU will be maintained. This will enable us to review the data and records as well as correct and address any situation to allow us make improvement.”
Tweh expanded that, LCC represents over 300 corporations and employment associations. He mumbled the Chamber is devoted to be most symbolic of Business Association and the lead advocate for reform that participate to the creation of an enhancing and helping environment for commerce and trade in Liberia.
In statement, the US Ambassador, Michael A. McCarthy enunciate of the significant of job innovations in Liberia and motivated Government, Public, and Private partnerships in rendering assistance to the citizens of Liberia.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent
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Thank you for reporting on this very important issue. Our graduates should be further assist in getting or creating jobs. Albert in Monrovia LIBERIA
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The current government is doing all what it can do to help and create jobs for our people. I think that is good. We have long way to go, however is a good place to start. Monrovia in Liberia. Amanda
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Thank you new Africa business news for covering our great Continent. You are the best. I love you independency. Gorata in Gaborone Botswana
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The Bangura, I like to thank you and your teams for travelling all over Africa to cover and report. No matter why this global online newspaper is one of the fastest growing and most read online newspaper. Bravo! Joyce in Dar es Salaam TANZANIA
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Thank you for the daily newsletters. Hassan in Khartoum Sudan
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