Rwanda, US$700 Million Marketing Pacts to Host Commonwealth Heads of States and Government Meeting 2020 in Kigali
By Abdul Rahman Bangura –
NEW AFRICA BUSINESS NEWS ( NABN ) Freetown, Sierra Leonne- The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) elucidated that, rehearsal to host the 2020 Commonwealth Heads of State and Government Meeting (CHOGM) is quiet on and rather the East Africa nation is in preparation to assume the $700 million enterprise and business agreements that will be divulged at forum.
Supposedly, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rwanda Development Board – Clare Akamanzi, let out buzzes dispersing on public fora about the revocation of two-week-longing consultation slated to be carried in Kigali, are not credible, and the organizing secretariat is acting to regiment over 7000 players with sensation.
“The authorized stance of the government of Rwanda is to keep going readying for CHOGM as we strive that by the time the conference ensues, coronavirus will no longer be the problem that it is today,” Akamanzi noted.
On behalf of the organizers, Akamanzi announced they are getting on to be gawking nearly for the consequences of the COVID 19.
“By mid-April, it will be reasonably obvious to us on what path this virus is putting up with globally. So, we are watching but very much still continuing with the full preparations of CHOGM,” Akamanzi explained on Friday March 13th2020.
She was pronouncing at the one-day Rwanda Private Engagement meeting on the forthcoming Commonwealth Business Forum (CBF) that will be held alongside CHOGM from June 21-27, 2020.
At tiniest, $1trillion is hoped to be transacted between the Commonwealths countries this year alone, an amount reckoned to be a record. On the other hand, Rwanda’s Private Sector has been consulted to seize objective of the $700m investment and trade deals that will be disclosed at the CBF 2020 that will take place alongside CHOGM.
Among these deals, RDB revealed that Rwanda government will approve contract for the conventional International Financial Center (IFC) in Kigali, construction of the Kigali Sports Complex, and real estate deals among others to be announced along the way.
The 2020 Commonwealth event will bring fifty three country committees, up to forty Heads of Government will accompanies alongside numerous international corporate, private equity, sovereign and mutual funds.
“This is an opportunity for us to prepare to know who to talk to and the only way we can get these deals and benefit is to prepare ways of marketing our products, business and proposals on time. Let’s show that doing business in Rwanda is profitably,” stated Robert Bafakule, a, the Chairman of the Rwandan Private Sector Federation (PSF).
Oliver Everett, the Chairman CBF 2020 Taskforce, who is in the country said that they are going to set up a local business and services directorate in the CHOGM web so that all visitors attending the meeting can easily access the local services on a one-stop.
“This is why we are here, to make sure that the meeting is successful. We are open to new ideas and willing to assist any business,” Everett said.
A handful of the private business lessor, nonetheless named for the CHOGM organizers to equip the service sector operators, particularly transporters, moto-taxi operators and cab drivers, to be furnishing good services and being fair in charging fees.
RDB said that all transporters will be registered and trained in English language use, dealing and responding to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) among the CHOGM participants.
For New Africa Business News (NABN) Abdul Rahman Bangura Reports, Africa Correspondent